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October 2, 2024

Cloud Oral Surgery Software: Why It’s Time to Transition from On-Premise Systems

Written by: Isaac Shapot, Marketing Director, DSN


In today’s fast-paced, digital-driven healthcare environment, oral surgery practices are realizing the immense value of upgrading their practice management systems (PMS) to the cloud. With the demands of modern patient care and the need for seamless practice operations, the traditional, on-premise systems many practices still rely on are no longer cutting it. That’s where cloud oral surgery software comes in, providing a more efficient, secure, and scalable way to manage everything from patient records to scheduling and billing.

One leading solution in the field is DSN, an all-in-one cloud-based oral surgery software hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS). With over 900 satisfied customers, DSN is helping oral surgery practices transition smoothly from outdated systems to its modern, cloud-based platform. Here’s why your practice should consider making the switch to cloud oral surgery software like DSN.

1. Enhanced Accessibility and Flexibility

One of the biggest limitations of on-premise systems is the need to be physically present at your practice to access patient data or manage day-to-day operations. This can be restrictive, especially for oral surgery teams who might operate across multiple locations or need access while away from the office. With cloud oral surgery software, your practice’s data is available anytime, anywhere, on any device. Whether you’re consulting with a patient from home, traveling between offices, or even out of the country, you can access everything you need in real time.

DSN’s cloud solution, hosted on AWS, offers industry-leading uptime and reliability, ensuring that your practice’s data is always at your fingertips, no matter where you are.

2. Improved Data Security and Compliance

In the healthcare field, security and patient privacy are of paramount importance. Managing sensitive data with an on-premise system puts your practice at risk from hardware failures, theft, or even natural disasters. Cloud oral surgery software mitigates these risks by utilizing highly secure, HIPAA-compliant servers that offer encryption, automatic backups, and disaster recovery.

DSN’s cloud platform is designed with the highest security standards in mind, providing advanced protection against data breaches and ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations. With DSN, you can rest easy knowing your patient data is secure, and that you’re operating within all necessary regulatory guidelines.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

Running an on-premise system is expensive. Between server maintenance, hardware upgrades, and hiring IT staff to manage your infrastructure, the costs can quickly spiral out of control. Moving to cloud oral surgery software eliminates the need for costly in-house infrastructure. DSN operates on a subscription model, spreading your costs out and eliminating the need for large upfront investments in equipment.

With DSN’s cloud-based solution, you’re always using the most up-to-date version of the software, with no need for expensive manual upgrades. Updates and new features are rolled out seamlessly, ensuring your practice stays at the cutting edge of technology without any disruptions to your workflow.

4. Smooth and Simple Transition Process

Many oral surgery practices are hesitant to make the switch to cloud oral surgery software because they fear the transition process will be difficult or disruptive. DSN has made this transition as easy and seamless as possible. Whether you’re moving from DSN on-premise, WinOMS, or another on-site system, DSN’s dedicated team provides full support during the migration process, ensuring that all your patient data, scheduling information, and financial records are transferred without hassle or downtime.

With DSN’s extensive experience in helping practices move to the cloud, we’ve streamlined the transition process to ensure minimal disruption. Practices migrating from WinOMS and OMS Vision can expect a smooth transition within roughly one month, while those moving from DSN on-premise can be fully up and running on the new platform in as little as three days. Our team is dedicated to making the migration process as seamless as possible, so your practice can quickly start benefiting from the enhanced features and flexibility of cloud software.


5. Scalability for Growing Practices

As your oral surgery practice expands, your software needs will inevitably grow as well. Cloud oral surgery software is designed to scale with your practice, making it easy to add new users, services, or locations without needing an expensive system overhaul. Whether you’re running a small, single-location practice or managing a multi-location group, DSN’s cloud platform provides the flexibility and scalability to grow with you.

With DSN’s virtually unlimited scalability, so your practice will never outgrow the capabilities of the software. As your needs evolve, DSN evolves with you, ensuring that your software can handle any new challenges or demands.


6. Seamless Integration and Automatic Updates

One of the biggest headaches of using outdated, on-premise software is the process of manual updates and integrations. Each update requires downtime, and there’s always a risk of compatibility issues with other systems you rely on. With cloud oral surgery software, these concerns disappear. DSN’s cloud-based platform automatically receives the latest updates, new features, and security patches without any manual intervention or practice downtime.

This ensures that your practice is always running the latest version of the software, with the most advanced features and security protections available. You no longer have to worry about scheduling updates or dealing with the disruption that comes with upgrading an on-premise system.



Switching to cloud oral surgery software is more than just a technology upgrade – it’s an investment in the future success of your practice. With DSN’s all-in-one, cloud-based solution, your practice can enjoy the benefits of enhanced flexibility, improved security, and the scalability to grow with your needs. Plus, DSN’s seamless transition process and over 900 satisfied customers are proof that upgrading from on-premise systems like DSN on-premise or WinOMS has never been easier.

If you’re ready to take your practice to the next level, it’s time to consider the power of cloud oral surgery software. Reach out to DSN today to learn more about how our cloud platform can transform your practice.

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